art support

Artist: Wanda Martin Hicks

This painting now hangs above the fireplace in my condo. My late husband and I purchased it at auction held by my former neighbours in support of cancer research for their late son.

Artist: Keith Cornell

My late husband purchased this painting at auction. It reminded him of trips to Algonquin Park. It now hangs in my bedroom on a wall that seems custom painted for its display.

This year’s 2020 Nobel Prize in Economics went to the researchers of auction theory. Who would have guessed such a theory existed? That got me thinking about acquiring art through auction. This personal practice is an act of giving. The successful bidder gives the total amount to the charity holding the auction. This personal practice is entirely different from donating art in exchange for a tax receipt. I have given art to places like museums in exchange for a tax receipt. I have also donated art purchased at a charity auction to another auction for fundraising. This is all part of downsizing. What I kept fits well into my new life.

This print was purchased at auction at one of the first Writers & Friends event I attended.

14 thoughts on “art support”

  1. What a good way to use paintings to help charity, Donna.

    I didn’t know about auction theory, but some of the best auctions I’ve ever attended were farm auctions in Northumberland County! Farm auctions aren’t just sales of used farm implements and furniture: they’re like a country fair, complete with with side-events and memorable items and happenings..

  2. Auction vs. Retail remind me of self publishing vs. trade publishing. In one the price is set by the buyer, in the other by the seller.

  3. Interesting thoughts. I love that idea of buying to donate to another charity auction. Double help for your charity dollar, and also solves the problem I often have at charity auctions, when I want to support them by buying, but I don’t want to own anything that’s up for auction.

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